What is Digital Parenting?

Definitely something we should talk about.

Tom F.
2 min readOct 5, 2021
Photo by Daniel Cheung on Unsplash

What if my little boy outsmarts me one day when it comes to web-based applications and social media functionality?

This thought hit me like a train a couple of days ago when I was busy posting content to BitClout. In a nutshell, BitClout is a twitter-like social media platform that runs on the DeSo blockchain, where DeSo stands for Decentralized Social. It’s a fairly new platform and I just began to grasp the influence it may have on the existing social media ecosystem.

I couldn’t help but think, someday in the future, my boy will be posting on BitClout also, and I’m going to say to him:

Your old man was there when the whole thing started!

Hopefully, when this day comes, I kept myself busy engaging on this platform so I’ll know what’s hot then. This would level the field between me and my kid, so we can have an actual conversation about the platform.

This boggled my mind for quite some time, and this is what I came up with:

Although it might be coined already, I want to introduce the term Digital Parenting. It includes so much more than respecting age ratings on video games.

  • It is about how we as already grown-ups keep track of technological…



Tom F.

Engineer | SEO Writer | Dad of a GenAlpha Kiddo | Talking about Digital Parenting, Millennial Finance and the Power of Writing.